Carol Astbury

Carol Astbury

Hard Books

Reviews of ‘Remembrance’

*A sweeping, yet tightly woven meditation on the trauma of war. memory. and the solve of love. Nadine Browne, author of the Whip Hand.

*’Remembrance’ is a trip to the past – very well described and researched! Carol Astbury has captured the emotions and landscapes superbly!
Junie Morosi, author of Tomorrows’ Child.

*Carol Astbury has produced a very well written and detailed account of life as it was lived, suffered, endured and occasionally enjoyed, by her characters during and slightly after World War 1.I read it in two days, just couldn’t put it down. Tom, Percy and Grace, the main characters were so real to me that I cried with them and felt their pain. Carol is an excellent painter of pictures in words. I loved the descriptions of sunsets and early mornings, the countryside and presence or lack of birds and the way she broke up the tragedy of the war with little snippets of beauty. This story should be read by every high school student. It is like a history book, but through the real experiences of people, it shows the horrors of war, not just as statistics and the power of egotistical bullies. We suffer, understanding and appreciating the terrible hardships that those men and women had to face.It’s not all bleak though. As in real life of the time, many people got back to work, rebuilding their lives and making the best of what was available. Well done and thank you Carol. Victoria Mizen: author and poet.

How to order a book

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Thank you for purchasing this book, I hope you will enjoy the story.



Extracts from the book ~ enjoy

Red, gold and burnished bronze oak leaves rustled in the light morning breeze. Grace opened the window and breathed in the fresh, crisp air.
How I love the autumn. I could let my eyes bathe in these brilliant hues.  It’s like the trees are rejoicing, dressed in carnival clothes … if only they knew.


Screaming men, blackened by fire, burst through the smoking ruins. Howell, followed by Ron and Percy, leapt into the trench with bayonets at the ready. The fighting was fast and furious. Stabbing and slashing, with trench knives and bayonets, they succumbed the enemy and took control of the trench. ~ That night and for many nights to come, Percy remembered, with cold shivers down his spine, the blackened face of the first man he had killed.


Soon the breeze picked up and the waves gained momentum. They returned to the beach and gathered up their clothes. Beneath a sheltering rock, hung with fern, they rested, gazing out at the water. Seabirds whirled beneath scudding clouds. The air had chilled but the nearness of the man she loved, his arm around her and his life beating as if it were in pulse with hers, intoxicated her.